Daily Prayer You may E-Mail Prayer Requests to PrayingPeoplePrevail@gmail.com Daily Prayer Line call 347-584-8707 M-S 6am, 12pm, 6pm /Sunday 6am only
You are encouraged to join Bishop Archie L McInnis, II for the Prayer Oil Strategy Hub (P.O.S.H.) training those who desire to increase results in prayer. Join us on Wednesdays at 5am for an experience that will deepen your walk with God. For FREE registration go to our website: Effect900.com/prayeroil. It’s a life changing experience.
We have IN PERSON Sunday School. Every Sunday @11:20am. Breakfast will be available afterwards. We will have 3 Classes Adult 18 and up Junior Class 12-17 Primary Class 2-11 We’re asking all students to register and all parents to register their children. Go to our church website, effect900.com.
* FEC Global Access is Full Effect Churches Virtual Campus.
Church with us around the world. Distance is no longer a limitation. You can be a FEC VIRTUAL MEMBER today. Click here
Healing Truth every first Saturday at 3pm
Intercessory Prayer Every third Monday of the month at 7pm
Weekly REMINDERS Every 1st and 3rd Tuesdays we have Bible Study Every 2nd Tuesday is Managing Marriage Every 4th Tuesday is Singles Ministry Every Wednesday at 7pm BIBLE CLINIC with Youth Pastor Shamel Freeland & Asp. Min. Zoe McInnis on Zoom. It is Bible based relevant and real topics with a hands on approach.
If you haven’t received the Prayer Anointing Oil, you may receive one today after service please see Elder Denise Green.
For those who are watching via live-streaming, please order today at our website: Effect900.com. If you desire to pick up a bottle of anointing oil in person, it is by appointment only. Please email your request to our admin staff at prayingpeopleprevail@gmail.com.